Instructions for collecting water samples for bacterial analysis:
Use the sterile bottle provided, and fill to the fill line.
1. If there is a screen or aerator on your faucet, remove it from spout.
2. Wipe spout first with paper towel or tissue, then wipe with an alcohol swap
(provided) or household cleaner such as bleach.
3. Allow cold water to run for five to 10 minutes at a normal flow.
4. Remove seal around cap, then remove cap. Do not touch the inside of bottle or
cap, or lay the cap down. Hold the cap in one hand directly under water stream
and fill the bottle to the fill-line. Do not use a dipper or pail. Do not overfill.
5. Put cap back on bottle and keep in a cool, dark place (i.e. refrigerate).
Note: samples deteriorate with time.
6. Drop off the sample as soon as possible, within a few hours of collection.
Sample(s) for bacteria testing must be received by lab no longer than 24 hours
after collection.
Instructions for collecting water samples for mineral/chemical analysis:
Use the 500 mL white bottle provided. Note, black-capped bottles provided by some hospitals and health facilities are also acceptable.1. Run the cold water for five to 10 minutes at a normal flow.
2. Turn the flow volume down so that water runs gently.
3. Fill the bottle to the top and cap tightly.
4. Keep the sample in a cool, dark place (i.e. refrigerate). Note: samples deteriorate with time.
5. Drop off sample as soon as possible, within a few hours of collection. For fastest turn-around time, water samples for mineral/chemical tests must be dropped off no later than 11 AM.