
Hard copies of our Publications are available for a nominal fee. Please get in touch if you would like a copy.

Queens ReportBenthic Invertebrate Monitoring Program - Queens County Municipal Landfill Annual Survey. The benthic invertebrate monitoring program involves taking samples of streambed organisms in Burnaby Brook, a stream that runs past the landfill, to determine if changes attributable to the landfill occur over time. The annual monitoring survey was carried out on 6 August 2015 to fulfill the biological environmental monitoring requirement for the landfill.

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East Hants ReportAquatic Invertebrate Monitoring of the East Hants Waste Management Centre Georgefield, Nova Scotia July, 2015 The monitoring program for EHWMC was begun with a baseline survey conducted in May 2006 by Sprytech Biological Services, and continued in July & September 2007 and July 2008-2014 by Envirosphere Consultants Ltd.

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Dillon ReportMarine Benthic Invertebrate Community Year-2 Monitoring Survey, 2011 Environmental Effects and Surface Water Compliance Monitoring, Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Remediation Project

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scotian smA Review of Contaminants on the Scotian Shelf and in Adjacent Coastal Waters: 1970 to 1995. P. L. Stewart and L.White A comprehensive overview of environmental factors, human activities, and contaminant levels in waters, sediments, and biota of Nova Scotia's Atlantic coastal communities, and the adjacent continental shelf. The report includes a detailed discussion of several prominent harbours, including Halifax Inlet, the Strait of Canso, and Sydney Harbour, as well as overviews of inlets including St. Margarets Bay, the LaHave Estuary, Lunenburg Harbour, and Shelburne Harbour, including patterns and causes of environmental contamination as well as physical, chemical and biological factors. 2001.

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reportenvcan sm.jpgAn Overview of Biological Community Data in the Ocean Disposal Permit Review Process Atlantic Region: Current Practice, Statistical Validity, and Biological Communities. Since 1989, seabed biological communities have been routinely assessed for most proposed ocean disposal sites in Atlantic Canada as one of the requirements for obtaining an ocean disposal permit. This report and associated data appendices, presents an analysis of community and species paramenters for Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. 1999.  

saint john report coverEnvironmental Monitoring at the Black Point Ocean Disposal Site
Assessing Long-term Impacts of Dredge Spoil Disposal in Saint John Harbour, New Brunswick. The report provides a review of the history of dredging and dredge impact studies in Saint John Harbour, New Brunswick, and federal government monitoring activities at the Black Point ocean disposal site, the largest in Eastern Canada. 2003.
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charlottetown coverOcean Disposal Overview-Charlottetown Harbour.
Dredging and Ocean Disposal in a Coastal Harbour, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. An overview of studies of environmental and industrial influences including dredging and dredge spoil disposal in the watershed and harbour of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. 2009. Download PDF (10 MB)
arctic smArctic Ocean Ecosystems
Presents an overview of biological and physical processes in one of the world's most remote and least understood oceans. Prepared as background for a component of the Canadian contribution to the Arctic marine Assessment Program (AMAP), this report provides a readable synthesis of selected literature. 1999.

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land use report coverGuide to Land Use Planning in Coastal Areas of the Maritime Provinces. An overview of issues and approaches to coastal land use planning in the coastal zone, including fact sheets on coastal marine habitats, legislation, and planning approaches, this manual is a useful tool for planners, managers and the general public. Prepared for Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 2003. Download PDF (2.7 MB)