Lake Major Reservoir Fish Habitat Management. 2015-2023.
Carried out the transfer of migratory fish in Little Salmon River, HRM, past the Lake Major Dam for three years during construction of a new dam; monitored fishway performance in a new dam; and negotiated regulatory requirements for minimum flow; and carried out habitat offsetting. Project with MECO Engineering Consultants for HRM Halifax Water, Halifax.
Bioremediation of Wetlands at the Site of a Hydrocarbon Spill, Aulds Cove. 2020-2021.
Crude oil from an accidental spill entered a wetland drainage system near an asphalt plant in the Mulgrave area. Although the site was immediately remediated, residual hydrocarbons remained in soils several years after the accident. Bioremediation conducted by Envirosphere included construction of retention ponds and other surface water structures with features designed to biologically remove the hydrocarbons. EFI Global, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
Environmental Support to Tidal Energy Development. 2008-2022.
Provided Biological Input to Environmental Assessment of FORCE Tidal Energy Demonstration Site; Seabed Photography and Benthic Invertebrate Biological Community Assessments for Tidal Berths; Seabird Surveys 2008 to 2019; High-voltage Transmission Line surveys for Avian Species at Risk; Environmental Monitoring of Wetlands Affected by Cable installation; Regulatory Approvals, Risk Assessments, and Offset Projects. Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy; Sustainable Marine Energy Canada; BP Energy.
Ecological and Water Quality Input to the Restoration of Wetlands, PEI National Park. 2020-2021.
After closure of the historic Rainbow Valley water-based theme park which once operated adjacent to PEI National Park in Cavendish, the abandoned facility was annexed by the Park. Envirosphere conducted an ecological and water quality assessment of the wetlands and watercourses of the area, including the adjacent Lake of Shining Waters and Cavendish golf course, to develop an understanding of the aquatic systems, and provided recommendations on restoring the site to a natural condition. East Point Engineering, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Environmental Risk Assessments, Whycocomagh and Cheticamp Wastewater Treatment Facilities. 2022.
Design of upgrades to WWTFs for the Villages of Whycocomagh and Cheticamp required the development of environmental effluent discharge objectives (EDOs). Envirosphere assessed receiving water quality at the mouth of the Skye River and in Cheticamp Harbour, and applied the CCME Risk Assessment Protocol, as input to the design process. RV Anderson Associates, Dartmouth, NS.
Environmental Assessments of Aggregate Quarries for Expansions. 2012-2023.
Conducted biophysical and socioeconomic environmental assessments for aggregate quarries throughout Nova Scotia as background for applications to expand operational limits beyond 4 ha. Assessments included a thorough desktop and on site review of environmental concerns. Clients include: Municipal Enterprises and Dexter Construction, Bedford, NS; Chapman Brothers Construction, New Glasgow; and Mid-Valley Construction, Kingston.
Verification of Ecological Receptors for Bear Head LNG Project.2014.
Surveyed forested, wetland and coastal areas at the existing early-stage LNG facility on the Strait of Canso, Nova Scotia, to verify ecological conditions and species at risk relative to earlier baseline surveys. SNC Lavalin Inc, Halifax.
Environmental Assessment Screening for Bear Head LNG Project. 2015.
Prepared background sections and environmental assessment matrices for marine biological and physical oceanographic environments for an update of the environmental assessment of a major project in the Port Hawkesbury area of Cape Breton. SNC Lavalin Inc, Halifax.
Ecological Assessment of Municipality of Lunenburg Landfill, Whynott's Settlement. 2013-2022.
Envirosphere conducts annual water quality and benthic invertebrate monitoring to determine biological status of surface waters at the de-commissioned landfill site.
Monitoring of Seabed Biological Community, Sydney Tar Ponds Remediation Project. Dillon Consulting Ltd. 2010-2012.
Assessed the soft-bottom animal community of Sydney Harbour as input to environmental monitoring for the remediation of the former Sydney Tarponds.
Environmental Monitoring of Nova Scotia Landfills. 2007-2022.
Envirosphere Consultants personnel conduct water quality and benthic invertebrate (biological) environmental monitoring at various landfills in Nova Scotia (East Hants, West Hants, Municipality of Queens, Richmond County, Municipality of Guysborough, and the Yarmouth County Municipal Waste Management Facility).
CEAA Screening Level Environmental Assessments, General. Rocky Lake Asphalt Transfer Facility. SLR Consulting, Halifax. 2009-2010.
EA of a proposed asphalt storage and transfer facility. Cape Forchu Tour Bus Turnaround. ABL Environmental, Dartmouth (2007). Assessment and fish habitat (HADD) approvals of the extension of a parking area at the lighthouse, Cape Forchu, Yarmouth County.
CEAA Screening Level Environmental Assessments for Bridge Replacements. Miscellaneous Clients (2008-2022).
Environmental Assessments for reconstruction of highway bridges in Nova Scotia including fish habitat evaluation: Davison Bridge (Herbert River), Ingramport Bridge (Ingram River), Northport Bridge (Shinimicas River), Stewart Bridge (North River), Sangsters Bridge (Avon River) and Ferrona Bridge (East River).
Deconstruction of East and West Lights, Sable Island. SNC Lavalin (2010).
Biological input to a screening level CEAA assessment of the dismantling of East and West Light towers, and a quonset hut, as well as removal of debris, focusing on species at risk, fisheries, wildlife, aquatic habitat, terrestrial habitat, and mitigation.
Environmental Assessment of a Mineral Sand Extraction Project, Shubenacadie River & Cobequid Bay, Nova Scotia. Rare Earth Mineral Sands Inc. Windsor, Nova Scotia, 2011-12.
Conducted background environmental studies and prepared an environmental assessment and regulatory submission for a project to extract heavy minerals from intertidal sand bars. The project involved background review, liaison with client and regulatory agencies, sedimentology and marine science input to the project.
Ocean Disposal Overview, Charlottetown Harbour. Environment Canada, Atlantic Region, 2008.
Prepared an overview report on ecosystems and environmental issues in Charlottetown Harbour and adjacent estuaries, to assist Environment Canada in managing and communicating the impacts of the Harbour’s ocean disposal site.