Biological Studies & Lab Services

We specialize in biological studies with a focus on aquatic and terrestrial environments…

Aquatic Environments. Fish habitat assessments, HADD applications and approvals, watercourse alteration approval applications, fish relocation, fish habitat compensation, benthic invertebrate sampling and monitoring, seaweed surveys and underwater video assessment, aquatic habitat monitoring, sedimentation studies.

Terrestrial Environments. Avifauna surveys and monitoring; botanical surveys; wetland delineation and functional assessment surveys; wetland alteration approvals and compensation plans; amphibian and reptile surveys.  

Some examples of our successfully completed projects are presented below:

Freshwater Biological Surveys and Monitoring Projects

Fish Habitat Assessment and Compensation, Home Hardware Stores Ltd Distribution Centre, Debert, N.S. (2012)

Assessed fish populations at the site of a proposed hardware distribution centre, relocated salmonids from the stream, and developed habitat compensation plan for the site. The compensation work was carried out with the assistance of Cobequid Salmon Association. 

Benthic Monitoring of Municipality of Queens Landfill (2007-present).

Designed and carried out an environmental effects monitoring program for benthic invertebrates for the Municipality of Queens landfill. Included sample collection, analysis and reporting to assess the impacts of the landfill on the local watershed.

Fish habitat survey, assessment, and enhancement recommendations for Zeke’s Brook, CFB Greenwood (2009).

Conducted a fish habitat assessment of a brook at a Nova Scotia air force base to aid in design of fish habitat improvements at the site. SNC Lavalin, Halifax. 

Biophysical Assessment for a Dam Reconstruction, Balmoral Mills (2007). 

Carried out a biophysical and fish habitat assessment for the proposed dam and mill pond reconstruction at Balmoral Grist Mill in Colchester County, Nova Scotia. Mitchelmore Engineering, Dartmouth.

Receiving Water Monitoring for a Poultry Processing Plant (2005-2006).

Lab services and analysis for a watershed study of nutrient inputs for managing effluent water quality from a major chicken processing facility in the Annapolis Valley. ABL Environmental, Dartmouth.

Oceanography and Marine Biology Sample Projects

Monitoring of Seabed Biological Community, Sydney Tar Ponds Remediation Project. Dillon Consulting Ltd. 2009-2011.

Assessed the soft-bottom animal community of Sydney Harbour as input to environmental monitoring for the remediation of the former Sydney Tarponds.

Benthic and Contaminant Monitoring—Strait of Canso Ocean Disposal Site. Environment Canada. 2004-2005.

Designed monitoring program and carried out sediment sampling for contaminants and toxicology, as well as analysis of benthic invertebrate communities, at the Strait of Canso common user ocean disposal site and in nearby industrialized and reference areas.

Underwater Photography and Video Surveys of Minas Passage.

Conducted drop-camera surveys of the seabed for interpretation of seabed geology and benthic community distribution, used for site selection for experimental berths and cable routes for Nova Scotia’s tidal power demonstration facility. Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy. 2008-2009.

Water Quality and Oceanographic Survey, Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy.

Oceanographic observations at the site of the tidal energy demonstration project were made throughout the year at the site in 2008-2009 using a combination of water samples and a Seabird CTD equipped with turbidity sensors to measure suspended sediment levels. Minas Basin Pulp & Power Co. Ltd., 2008-2009.  

Underwater Benthic Habitat Assessments for Small Craft Harbour Wharves. 2005-2006.

Conducted underwater benthic habitat assessment (UHBS) and sediment sampling surveys at wharves in northern Nova Scotia and PEI in preparation for wharf modifications. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)

Underwater Video Interpretation for PWGSC Projects in New Brunswick. 2007-2009.

Interpreted and mapped seabed communities in underwater video taken in several New Brunswick harbours (White Head Harbour, Blacks Harbour, and Seely’s Cove) proposed for works such as dredging.Dillon Consulting.