Monitoring and Analysis of Stream Bottom Organisms and Fish Habitat for Municipal Landfills in Nova Scotia
We've designed and conducted sampling programs and provided support services for environmental monitoring freshwater streams and lakes adjacent to many of the landfills in in mainland Nova Scotia and Cape Breton.The role of sediment characteristics and contaminant levels in the distribution of benthic communities in Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia.
Monitoring and Analysis of Stream Bottom Organisms and Fish Habitat for Municipal Landfills in Eastern Canada
Envirosphere has provided laboratory support for projects to monitor impacts of industrial facilities such as coal and metal mines.
Distribution of Benthic Communities in Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia, in Relation to Sediments Characteristics and Contamination. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 1999-2002
The role of sediment characteristics and contaminant levels in the distribution of benthic communities in Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia, was assessed by principal components and canonical correspondance analysis using a combination of statistical analysis packages including SYSTAT, Canoco, and PRIMER.
Assessment of Statistical Properties of Ocean Disposal Data. 1997.
As part of its role in regulating ocean disposal, Environment Canada has developed a recommended approach to gathering biological data in support of ocean dumping applications. This project reviewed data collected since 1989, examined statistical properties, and determined its adequacy for long-term environmental monitoring. Environment Canada, Dartmouth, N.S.
Distribution and Community Characteristics of Marine Benthic Communities, Northwest Greenland. McGregor Geoscience, Bedford, Nova Scotia. 2010.
The project used PRIMER E6 packages to assess diversity and predominant factors in distribution of benthic communities on the West Greenland Shelf.
Impacts of the Saint John Ocean Disposal Site on Seabed Animal Communities. 2001-2002.
Surveyed bottom communities in the vicinity of the Black Point Ocean Disposal site, to determine short- and long-term impacts. The study included statistical design, evaluation of near- and far-field effects on various community parameters, and an overview of recent work and historical changes at the disposal site. Environment Canada, Dartmouth, N.S.